Discover what lies beyond Whole Being Realization

Course curriculum

    1. * Welcome & Info About the Course

    2. Reviews From Participants Who Attended the Live Course (0.A.0)

    3. Trillium Awakening Approaches & Teachings

    4. Trillium Awakening Practices

    5. Awakenings Beyond- Self Study Course - Schedule of Sessions (0.A.2)

    1. Module 1A: Introduction — Welcome Message

    2. Module 1A: Introduction — Video

    3. Module 1A: Introduction — Audio

    4. Rod Taylor’s Message about the Awakenings Beyond Initial WBR Course (1.A.1)

    5. Whole Being Evolution Map Description Poem (1.A.1.5)

    6. Flower of -Whole Being Evolution Map- Phases Poem (1.A.2)

    7. Wholeness Stages Poem - Verses Unfolding (0-Features) (1.A.4)

    8. 0. Song of Evolution - Template of Phase Poem (with components + steps) (1.A.5)

    9. Flower of 'WBR & Inner Core' Evolution Poem - Petals Unfolding (0) (1.A.3)

    1. Module 1B: Whole Being Realization — Welcome Message

    2. Module 1B: Whole Being Realization — Video

    3. Module 1B: Whole Being Realization — Audio

    4. Flower of -Whole Being Evolution Map- Phases Poem - 5. Awakening (1.B.0)

    5. 5. Whole Being Realization Flow Poem, by Rod Taylor, v5.6 24.11.09 (1.B.1)

    6. Wholeness Stages Poem - Verses Unfolding (5) (1.B.2)

    7. 5. Song of Evolution - Awakening Phase Poem (1.B.3)

    8. What’s in a Name, an essay by Fax Gilbert (1.B.4)

    9. Flower of 'WBR & Inner Core' Evolution Poem - Petals Unfolding (5) (1.B.3.5)

    10. 5. ‘Notes on Whole Being Realization & Awakened Life Stage' Summary Poem (1.B.5)

    11. 5. ‘Notes on Whole Being Realization & Awakened Life Stage' Comprehensive Poem (1.B.6)

    12. Notes on Whole Being Realization — EPUB (for phone, kindle etc) and PRINTABLE PDF formats

    1. Module 2A: Continuity — Welcome Message

    2. Module 2A: Continuity — Video

    3. Module 2A: Continuity — Audio

    4. Flower of -Whole Being Evolution Map- Phases Poem - 6. Continuity (2.A.0)

    5. 6. Whole Being Continuity Realization Flow Poem (2.A.1)

    6. Wholeness Stages Poem - Verses Unfolding (5-6)(2.A.2)

    7. 6. Song of Evolution - Continuity Phase Poem (2.A.3)

    8. Flower of 'WBR and Inner Core' Evolution Poem - Petals Unfolding (5-6) (2.A.4)

    9. 6. ‘Notes on Whole Being Continuity & Seamless Awake Life Stage' Summary Poem (2.A.5)

    10. 6. ‘Notes on Whole Being Continuity & Seamless Awake Life Stage' Comprehensive Poem(2.A.6)

    11. Notes on Whole Being Continuity Realization — EPUB (for phone, kindle etc) and PRINTABLE PDF formats

    1. Module 2B: Continuity Continuation Session — Welcome Message

    2. Module 2B: Continuity Continuation — Video

    3. Module 2B: Continuity Continuation — Audio

    4. 0. Inner Core - Template of Core Poem (2.B.1)

    5. 4. Inner Core - Unconscious Perception of Core Split Poem (2.B.2)

    6. 5. Inner Core - Conscious as Core Paradox Poem (2.B.3)

    7. 6. Inner Core - Conscious as Core Triadox Poem (2.B.4)

    1. Module 3A: Heart — Welcome Message

    2. Module 3A: Heart — Video

    3. Module 3A: Heart — Audio

    4. Flower of -Whole Being Evolution Map- Phases Poem - 7. Heart (3.A.0)

    5. 7. Whole Being Heart Realization Flow Poem (3.A.1)

    6. Wholeness Stages Poem - Verses Unfolding (5-7) (3.A.2)

    7. 7. Song of Evolution - Heart Phase Poem (3.A.3)

    8. Flower of 'WBR & Inner Core' Evolution Poem - Petals Unfolding (5-7) (3.A.4)

    9. 7. ‘Notes on Whole Being Heart & Heart Awake Life Stage' Summary Poem (3.A.5)

    10. 7. ‘Notes on Whole Being Heart & Heart Awake Life Stage' Comprehensive Poem (3.A.6)

    11. Notes on Whole Being Heart Realization — EPUB (for phone, kindle etc) and PRINTABLE PDF formats

About this course

  • Free
  • 247 lessons
  • 36 hours of video content

“This course offers a new revelation of post-Whole Being Realization awakenings—a heretofore unknown spiritual treasure within our Trillium Awakening work for students to learn about.”   

˜ Van Nguyen, longest-serving Trillium Awakening Teacher

This course includes detailed descriptions and materials about awakenings that many students have either never heard about before or have not understood are available for them to personally realize. It outlines profound advancements available beyond the initial Whole Being Realization that can unfold for ongoing participants in our Trillium Awakening work.

Each recorded session includes presentations, graphic charts, questions, and discussions (1.3 to 2+ hours).

The presentations and materials in each session are offered from the perspective of a poetic verse of the Whole Being Evolution Map in which participants may find their own resonance or activation. You are invited to consider your personal resonant experiences and insights from pre– and post– whole being realization or from new realizations that arise during the sessions. If possible, arrange to discuss with peers or teachers in this work how they may relate to the Eight Awakened Stages of Whole Being Evolution presented during the course.

No matter where you are in your process of Whole Being Realization, you are invited to enrich your personal process of awakening by hearing the presentations of teachers and shared personal experiences of participants, and consider your own resonance with advancing realizations in whole being evolution.

For those who have had their whole being realization in past years, this is an opportunity to clarify elements of your own evolving experience and further activate your realization process through resonance with advancing realization descriptions.

Led by Trillium Awakening Teachers

Rod Taylor . Van Nguyen . Ralf Humphries . Francesca Blackstock

Rod Taylor

Rod is an international teacher of conscious embodied non-dual awakening. He is the originator of the Whole-Being Evolution Teachings, creator of the Whole-Being Evolution Map, and author of the book New Principles of Awakened Relationship. For over 50 years he has been teaching spiritual awakening knowledge and techniques to individuals and groups. Since 2007 he has been offering workshops and coaching services as a member of the Trillium Awakening™ Teachers Circle, and since 2019 has been offering workshops and coaching services as a Whole Being Evolution Guide. Rod is a member of the Trillium Awakening Core Teachings Committee and is a certified Trillium Awakening Whole Being Realization Clarifier. He has a Master of Adult Education degree and post-secondary certification in Conflict Resolution. Teaching and coaching in the field of whole being realization is Rod’s passion and his joy. He lives with his beloved wife Andrea on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

Van Nguyen

Van Nguyen has been a teacher of this path since 1996, is a member of the Elders Council of the Trillium Awakening Teachers Circle, and is one of the original Clarifiers. Van contributed to the formulation of the dharma in the early days of this work, as well as, helped in the training of new teachers for serving the awakening process of the many students, who have come into this path over the years. He also has a keen interest and devotion towards the Feminine Face of Supreme Divine Being. As such, he feels that Radiant Supreme Love is the Heart of the metaphorical "Body of Existence”, unified with Transcendental Consciousness, which is the the fundamental Ground-field of this “Body”. Van lives with his beloved life partner near Sedona, Arizona.

Ralf Humphries

Ralf Humphries (interning teacher) Ralf Humphries enjoyed a distinguished academic career in the 1990’s, before turning sharply inward in 2003 and spending five years as a Buddhist recluse. Following a dramatic fall-to-earth at the end of his monastic life, Ralf entered a period of reconfiguration, and arrived at the doorstep of Trillium Awakening in 2011. It was with the “Being Seen, Being Met, Being Loved” support of this community that he realized his whole-being nature in May, 2013. In the last ten years, Ralf has worked as a psychotherapy educator and a senior mental health clinician. He currently has a private practice as a therapist, is a teacher with Trillium Awakening, and a guide for the Whole Being Evolution Path. Ralf lives with his beloved life partner in Melbourne, Australia.

Francesca Blackstock

Francesca Blackstock is an Interning Trillium Awakening teacher. She began her spiritual journey in the late 1990’s, when out of curiosity she joined a neighbourhood meditation group. Through this group she explored awakening with a variety of spiritual teachers and eventually embraced Waking Down. She experienced her Whole Being realization in 2015. Since then, Francesca has been very involved in Trillium Awakening: hosting mutuality cafes, facilitating mutuality & meditation groups and organizing & hosting 8 different Retreats, all designed to support people to live in deeper love & recognition of all aspects of themselves and others. She lives with her husband Don & their labradoodle Gracie, in Calgary, Canada.

Discover what lies beyond Whole Being Realization